Three worthy causes we can unite behind
I am GEORGE VAN (Cambridge, PhD) and I contend that we can do well by doing good. Worthy causes are called causes for a reason: They are the true reason why we do something. These are mine: my very own take on Equity, Equality and Equivalency, my alternative take on Renewable Energy and my support for woman entrepreneurs, executives and educators
I believe in creating & realizing potential, building & launching systems and communities as well as delivering prosperity while making a profit as a byproduct.
join us to share in the benefits of a growing pie in a fair and sustainable way rather than squabble over the pieces of a shrinking pie.
fairness is your unfair advantage
☰ EQUIY: EQUITY, EQUALITY and EQUIVALENCY are not what most people think they are. EQUITY is not ‘something for nothing’. EQUITY is your fair stake. Nobody owes you. You gotta own it. EQUALITY is not ‘equal outcomes’. EQUALITY is your fair shot. Nobody owes you. You gotta own it. EQUIVALENCY is not ‘anything goes’. EQUIVALENCY is your fair share. Nobody owes you. You gotta own it. In life and business: Nobody owes you. You gotta own it. Own your fair stake. Own your fair shot. Own your fair share. ☰ EQUIY: EQUITY, EQUALITY and EQUIVALENCY are the foundations of our individual freedoms and the cornerstones of our fair society and open economy. ☰ EQUIY is all about taking OWNERSHIP of our life choices, actions and outcomes. ☰ EQUIY: EQUITY, EQUALITY and EQUIVALENCY are the motivators, incentives and catalysts that fuel individuals, organizations, societies and economies. Together with autonomy, responsibility and accountability, ☰ EQUIY is the core building block for realizing potential, making progress and creating prosperity. I am GEORGE VAN (PhD, Cambridge) and I pledge, practise and promote my own take on ☰ EQUIY Through my academic research, executive training and business practice, I team up with educators, entrepreneurs and executives. Together we make our lives and businesses more effective, more efficient and more equitable. so the world at large is that decisive bit fairer.
Make Renewable Energy work for you
RENEWABLE ENERGY can make a vital contribution to our energy sustainability, energy independence and energy affordability. Yet, RENEWABLE ENERGY has been the subject of many exaggerated claims and unrealistic expectations. As is the case with all types of energy, It’s important to know what RENEWABLE ENERGY can do and what it can’t do. And to have the expertise to tell the difference. it is therefore crucial to know the pros and cons of the different types of RENEWABLE ENERGY. That’s what RESEARCH on RENEWABLE ENERGY is all about. I am GEORGE VAN (PhD, Cambridge) and I share my mindset, insights and outlook on RENEWABLE ENERGY. I liaise with technical experts, industry leaders and policy makers. Together we inform, shape and advance the public debate on RENEWABLE ENERGY and critically examine RESEARCH on RENEWABLE ENERGY that is realistic, reliable and reasonable. Through my own academic research, executive training and business practice, I have taken a keen interest in the operational, business and security argument for RERGY RENEWABLE ENERGY: (1) The operational argument for renewable energy is threefold: Sources of renewable energy are for the most part superior to sources of conventional non-renewable energy in terms of energy provision efficacy, energy conversion efficiency and energy financial economies. (2) The business argument for renewable energy is threefold: Sources of renewable energy such as wind, hydro, solar and geothermal energy as well as biomass and biofuel energy exhibit flexibility in local availability, a diversified risk-return trade-off and a favourable cost-benefit profile. (3) The security argument for renewable energy is threefold: Sources of renewable energy are required to pass a triple litmus test in that they be realistic energy for energy sustainability, reliable energy for energy independence and reasonable energy for energy affordability.
woman entrepreneurs – the $5TN windfall
We waste a $5 trillion business opportunity by not better supporting woman entrepreneurs. That’s a five followed by twelve zeros. The equivalent of one fifth of the US economy. Or the whole of the German economy. Now imagine you could tap into that potential. The good news: You can! Woman entrepreneurs, executives and educators need: No favours. No special treatment. No free pass. They only expect: Their fair stake. Their fair shot. Their fair share. So they can succeed on their own merits. What can we do to support them better so they can deliver for all of us? Team up with them. Invest in them. Buy from them. Alongside – not at the expense of – everyone else. That’s not asking too much. Is it? I am GEORGE VAN (PhD, Cambridge) and I connect with woman entrepreneurs, executives and educators – WOMAE. Together we facilitate easier access to co-founders, capital and customers. Not only because it’s the right thing to do but because it makes economic sense.

You can tell a person’s character by what they do, not by what they say. This is what I say and do:
The Entrepreneur Professor who builds better businesses better.
Master with the PREFESSOR
The Present, Positive and Persistent Leader who transforms lives.
Lead with the PRESITENT
The Doctor Trainer who transforms the way you think, decide and act.
Train with the DOCTROR
My personal take on what it takes to be FIRST & SPECIAL and why it matters.
Share purpose. Solve problems. Serve People. Be first. Be special. Be FIRSP.
My personal take on what Equity, Equality and Equivalency really mean.
Own your fair Stake, Shot and Share.
My personal take on Renewable Energy that is realistic, reliable and reasonable.
Renewable Energy that works for us.