I am GEORGE VAN (PhD, Cambridge) and I share my mindset, insights and outlook as The Entrepreneur Professor –, The Present, Positive and Persistent Leader –, The Doctor Trainer – and the Renter Enterpriser –
I strongly believe in merging professions and combining expertise to solve the problems that matter to us. Through my own academic research, executive training and business practice, I team up with academics, entrepreneurs, executives, scientists and artists to make our visions and ventures come true.
What matters to me is doing the right things in the right way and for the right reasons. That’s why I focus on asking the right questions. I don’t get all the answers but I get the answers that matter most and do the things that make a difference. What would transform your life or business and how can we make it come true?
The Entrepreneur Professor who builds better businesses better.
Master with the PREFESSOR
The Present, Positive and Persistent Leader who transforms lives.
Lead with the PRESITENT
The Doctor Trainer who transforms the way you think, decide and act.
Train with the DOCTROR
My personal take on what it takes to be FIRST & SPECIAL and why it matters.
Be first. Be special. Be FIRSP.
My personal take on what Equity, Equality and Equivalency really mean.
Own your fair Stake, Shot and Share.
My personal take on Renewable Energy that is realistic, reliable and reasonable.
Renewable Energy that works for us.
Educate. Entertain. Inspire. Start your journey with GEORGE VAN.
How Dr GEORGE VAN transforms life and business for the better
Team up with GEORGE
I am George Van (PhD, Cambridge) and I team up with academics, entrepreneurs, executives, scientists, artists and – perhaps – with you. together we do the things that matter to us and make our visions and ventures come true.
Master with the PREFESSOR
As the PREFESSOR, the Entrepreneur Professor, I team up with universities, companies and entrepreneurs to build better businesses better and for better reasons.
Lead with the PRESITENT
As The PRESITENT, the Present, Positive, Persistent Leader, I sit down with world leaders, top athletes and captains of industry to create leaders who transform our lives for the better.
Train with the DOCTROR
As the DOCTROR, the Doctor Trainer, I team up with scientists and artists to transform the way we think, decide and act in life and business.
Build with the RENTERPRISER
As The RENTERPRISER, the Renter Enterpriser, I team up with renter-owners, renter-users and enterprisers to build rewarding enterprises that transform our lives.

Meet DR GEORGE VAN, a.k.a. The, The, The and the and benefit from his mindset, insights, outlook and actions.